The main purpose of the concept of St.Nicholas Square (Plac Św. Mikołaja) and neighbouring green areas is to expose the value and utility potential of the existing elements of this site. This objective is realized through two main spatial solutions: (1) shaping the pavement in the form of raised terraces over the grass, which improves the accessibility and attractiveness of the selected green areas, simultaneously organizing the existing spatial chaos, (2) shaping buildings with a straight, modernistic character which frames the view of the most attractive specimens of greenery. These interventions also allow to create the spaces of various ambiences, functions and scales to ensure that they can be used at different times of the day and seasons. The spatial layout of the whole assumption allows for creating different typology of spaces such as private, semi-private, semi-public and public areas, by arranging at the edges of these zones elements with special functions for each of these spaces.

About “City Acupuncture” [aku.ura miasta] urban-architectural competition:
The project City Acupuncture is a cyclical event intends to provide answers about what functions and activities the site can offer to diffrent groups of users, which will reveal the potentioal of the space where inhabitants of neighboured area live.

type: urban plan

status: competition, Mention

area: 5,5 ha

year: 2017

location: Wroclaw [PL]