

International School-Museum of Flamenco Competition

We believe that art of flamenco and its attractiveness should be displayed. Therefore building should create conditions to focus on activity associated with flamenco, and give opportunity of quick and easy movement from the place for performances directly to the streets. According to this expectations, it was suggested that major scene should be located at the air on the extensions of pedestrian and vehicle roads.



The spirit of flamenco has drove into an earth like huge and fast tornado. It drags users into an abyss through a spiral ramp. During descened lots of temptetations located behind glass walls of building offer them diffrent amanities of public life. So, in that way, this space lives during the days and nights, full of people, flamenco and ghosts.



The shape of flamenco school / museum building resembles rose, and in its interior it has a patio. This patio was crreated by twisting and depressing the pedestrian paths situated between the building boxes. This action strengthened the sense of a center-creatiing place. There are ramps leading to the bottom of the squre. It creates, in the same time, the form and function of amphitheater, and holds the comunicational duties. That arrangement introduces better quality and multifunctional appearance of this public space. Dynamic outlook obtained by soft lines become excellent background for flamenco creativity. Some parts of the building ,towers over the surrounding residential development, are becoming distinctive landmark. Simultaneously lowering height in several points, is directing a user sights towards the cathedral located in the south from the object.



Each function of the object is connected each other by the spiral pavement or by corridors in underground part of the building. It was proposed to expose more public facilities such as library, museum, theater and cafeteria by situating them above on the ground level with glazing walls. This makes the buildin easy accesible trom each side and brings the usage to every part of the building’s borders. Functions connected with school: classes, gym, dress design workshops etc. Are located around the amphitheatre and has stair and elevator comunication with upper floor facilities. Storage and technicale rooms are situated on the opposite side of classes, far from the patio. In addition, the school zone has separate entrance from the patio.

type: architecture

status: competition

year: 2011

location: Jerez de la Frontera