średzka axis


An urban-architectural workshops for the masterplan of Średzka Axis in Lesnica district

The workshops was conducted within the programm of “The City of Acupuncture” as a part of the Lower Silesian Festival of Architecture, and as a part of a national event “Week with Architecture”.
The main aim of the workshop was to design an eastern part of the Średzka axis in Leśnica district in Wrocław. In order to determine the identity of the central part of Leśnica, the main square in front of the Cultural Center “Castle Leśnica” had to be design as the most potential space of public activities for inhabitans. The second task was to focus on an intersection of two main streets: Sredzka street and Trzemielowicka street.

Tutors: LAX (arch. Anna Grajper, arch. Sebastian Dobiesz), arch. Paweł Buck, arch. Marta Mnich, arch. Agnieszka Chrzanowska

Participants: Monika Molik, Julia Ołpińska, Anna Siwiec, Aleksandra Zalewska, Patryk Kusz, Katarzyna Pabich, Małgorzata Romanowicz, Dominika Maczka, Helena Tyniec, Katarzyna Dominiak, Patrycja Pawlaszek


type: workshop/tutor

year: 2014

location: Wrocław [PL]